Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Occupy protesters defend child sex trafficking! (PHOTOS)

All photos courtesy of Zombie.

Occupy protesters gathered outside a hotel in Oakland to protest against a conference that aimed to combat child sex trafficking. Yes, you read that right.

*Warning: Language*

God Bless them. We need them. (says Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama.)


NV Silver Dollar said...

Wow, that first hipster has a soul and mentality as ugly as her face. What a surprise, Occupy sticking up for pedophilia.

Kid said...

Hack, Good God! Profanity would be wasted here..

Anonymous said...

Wow, your followers are inspiring. I'm do glad I can leave this page never to return again.

Hack said...

Good! Leave this place Anonymous, and go fight for child sex trafficking somewhere...shoo little one! Don't let the police catch you.