I had numerous political talks with all kinds of soldiers, and what I heard from them only reaffirms my opinion that the military is almost entirely anti-Obama. Most people in the Army are conservatives with a little something the hooligans in liberal la la land have obviously never heard of: common sense.
If there's one thing I have learned from the Army it is that the only true cure to racism is to have a sense of humor when it comes to racial slurs, stereotypes, and jokes.
The Army is full of people of all races and backgrounds. I have made friends with blacks, hispanics, asians, arabs, native Americans, and just about every mix in between. When you wake up, eat, train, and sleep together you develop a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie that makes skin color a total non issue. Seeing as most leftists have never served in the military and hate it all together, it is no wonder they cannot understand this.
I met black people that told black jokes that left people rolling on the floor. I met a Puerto Rican that couldn't talk without stereotyping his race in hilarious fashion. I met an Asian that described himself as a twinkie: yellow on the outside, and white on the inside. And it wasn't just them.
How dare they! Someone call the NAACP! Where's Al Sharpton?
All I could think of while conversing with these fellow soldiers is that this is how it should be. People should be comfortable enough to make fun of their own race and have a sense of humor without some uptight liberal wetting their pants. The issue of race is totally erased when you can have a sense of humor about it. It's just sad some of those on the left cannot understand this. They spend most all their energy whining about non existent racism and so called intolerance coming from the conservative right.
It's ironic really. Just days before leaving, I was chastised by some bedwetting liberal on a facebook group for posting the Obama "Swine Flew" joke. For those of you who don't know it, it goes like this:

A few days later down at training I heard this very same joke...told by one of my black friends, which made it all the funnier. Wait, is he racist? No, he just has a sense of humor. Like me. Too bad the liberal who bent over backwards to call me a "KKK Nazi" for telling that joke cannot grasp such a concept as humor. The liberals' brains must be jam packed full of too much BS to accommodate such an inconceivable notion, unless of course it involves Rush Limbaugh or George W. Bush dying.
In summary, it's great to be back and I look forward to blogging again! I won't lie. It was nice being away from the news for a while and not seeing Obama's face or hearing his disgusting voice for 3 weeks straight. But now it's back to the grind! And oh, it looks like there's a lot going on!
Oh yeah. It's also nice to have a flushing toilet again.