Thursday, September 13, 2012

REPORT: Libyan Muslims raped US ambassador Christopher Stevens before killing him

This report comes from this site and originally this Arab news source.

Sources AFP that “the U.S. ambassador to Libya was raped sexually before killing by gunmen who stormed the embassy building in Benghazi last night to protest against the film is offensive to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),” The sources said that “Ambassador was killed and representation of his body in a manner similar to what happened with Gaddafi, such as murder. “

 Sick. How much more of this has to happen before the Obama administration realizes the Arab Spring was a complete disaster?

And when will Obama finally admit this was a terrorist attack? Instead, our Dear Leader continues to point the finger at a private American citizen for posting a Youtube video. 


Anonymous said...

Obama will never admit the Arab Spring is a failure like him.

Anonymous said...

Piss be upon mohammad and these pieces of trash. Why havent we dropped a MOAB on egypt yet? Ohh yea Obamas to busy apologizing.
Please excuse me i think i just had a CVA.

Anonymous said...

He's holding his head up in the first pic! Bastards! Dude this makes me want to go freeking postal!

Hack said...

They are animals and should be treated as such.

Fuzzy Slippers said...

[quote]Sick. How much more of this has to happen before the Obama administration realizes the Arab Spring was a complete disaster? [/quote]

I think it's about time that more of us started asking if this is considered a disaster by this administration. My guess is no, they don't think it was or is a disaster. This is what we all knew would happen, how could the WH not have known if (say) *I* did? There is no way this admin is this incompetent, this stupid. No way.

kristie said...

We need new leadership.. We cannot apologize to crazy radical people. Obama blames Bush for everything. Obama needa to be a leader instead of trying to be hip and popular with Queen B and JayZ. Oh I forgot Queen B and Jay z were in st. Barths accepting $2 million in blood money from Hannibal Gaddafi. WTF

kristie said...

We need new leadership.. We cannot apologize to crazy radical people. Obama blames Bush for everything. Obama needa to be a leader instead of trying to be hip and popular with Queen B and JayZ. Oh I forgot Queen B and Jay z were in st. Barths accepting $2 million in blood money from Hannibal Gaddafi. WTF

LibertyAtStake said...

They are animals. Therefore, the first rule of dog training applies when dealing with them ... You establish dominance and never allow it to be questioned.