Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Google, LL Zamenhof, and the Global Agenda

Today (or last night rather) when I opened up Google, I noticed a strange image over top of the Google logo. You might have already noticed this.

My first thought was that it was something resembling Islam, as it looked somewhat like the Islamic crescent and star. Being the racist, bible-thumping, Islamophobic conservative I am my interest was piqued right off the bat.

Upon dragging the mouse over the image, the text "150th Birthday of LL Zamenhof" appeared.

LL Zamenhof. The name didn't ring any bells. So I looked him up.

In a nutshell LL Zamenhof was the creator of the universal language Esperanto, a language designed for global communication. He adhered to a religious philosophy that focused on the principles of humanitarianism and humanism called Homaranismo:

1) I am a human being, and I believe that there are only human ideals and ideals linked to the country of origin; every ideal which brings hatred among peoples and entails the power of one ethnicity over another I believe it to be human egoism, which sooner or later must disappear and to which disappearance I must contribute according to my possibilities.

2) I believe that every peoples are equally part of humankind, and I value every person only according to his personal values and actions, and not according to his/her origin. Every offense or persecutions of people because they belong to a different ethnicity, with a different language or religion, I regard it as a barbarity.

3) I believe that every country does not belong to a particular group of people, but equally to every people who live in it, regardless of their language or religion; the mixing of the country’s interests with those of one or another group of people, language or religion I regard it as reminiscence of barbarian times, when there was only the right of fist and sword.

4) I believe that in his/her own family life each person has the natural and indisputable right to speak whatever language or dialect he/she wants and to confess whatever religion he/she wants; nevertheless, when communicating with people from other origins he/she must, when it is possible, aim to use a neutral language and to live according to neutral religious principles. Every attempt of a person to impose his/her language or religion to other people when it is not absolutely necessary, I regard it as a barbarity.

Basically, Zamenhof was a globalist and used his "universal language" to try and bring the world into one global, utopian society.

So where does Google fit in to all of this? Well, I find it funny that Google would honor this obscure man on December 15th, when they had any of these events to choose from:

1791- The Bill of Rights is ratified.
1891- Basketball invented by James Naismith.
1916- The French win the largest and most decisive battle of World War I over the Germans. (Battle of Verdun)
1939- One of the most successful films of all time, Gone With the Wind, premieres in Atlanta.
1964- Canada adopts its current maple leaf flag.

Those are just a few from a long list of important events in today's history. But they chose to advertise a little known globalist. It's working too. "LL Zamenhof" appears as the 6th most popular search of today at Google Trends.

I am convinced that Google, while they may not even know it, will be the driving force behind the New World Order that will unite society under one world government one day. Google has grown from a simple search engine to a virtual online portal to anything and everything, including detailed satellite images of any location on earth and personalized searches based on your individual search history. Whether you'd like to believe it or not, if you have used Google in your lifetime, and I'm pretty sure you have, they know more about you than you can imagine.

The New World Order will not come to be with a bang and a violent takeover. It will come in innocent form. About as innocent as Google, and fuzzy wuzzy "world peace".

Look out.


Left Coast Rebel said...

Thanks for this Hack, I should have known better, if you noticed I had an initial suspicion about this flag and man, it seems that you confirmed just that. Linked at LCR!

Hack said...

I appreciate it! Thank you.

This is just something that is too odd to overlook!

Bill Chapman said...

Take a look at http://www.lernu.net
Esperanto works! I’ve used it in speech and writing - and sung in it - in about fifteen countries over recent years.

Indeed, the language has some remarkable practical benefits. Personally, I’ve made friends around the world through Esperanto that I would never have been able to communicate with otherwise. And then there’s the Pasporta Servo, which provides free lodging and local information to Esperanto-speaking travellers in over 90 countries. In the past few years I have had guided tours of Berlin and Milan and Douala in Cameroon in the planned language. I have discussed philosophy with a Slovene poet, humour on television with a Bulgarian TV producer. I’ve discussed what life was like in East Berlin before the wall came down, how to cook perfect spaghetti, the advantages and disadvantages of monarchy, and so on.

If you're interested in the wider world, Esperanto is for you!

Anonymous said...

Bill please never come to my blog. lol.