Friday, February 19, 2010

Top stories for the weekend.

The Virginia House of Delegates voted for a bill that would ban mandatory microchip implants for humans by employers or insurance companies, citing privacy concerns.

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Israel is "terrified" of Hezbollah. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, claimed Israel is "shy".

An atheist billboard in Sacramento was "edited" with spray paint. Originally reading, "Are you without God? Millions are.", the words "also lost" have been added to the end.

The NAACP is in a tizzy over the Compton Cookout, a party held by a UC San Diego frat house openly mocking Black History Month.

A professor at Fresno City College is under fire by the ACLU after two students complained he injected his personal religious views into a lecture, including remarks against homosexuality.

A runaway zebra has prompted PETA to ask the USDA to ban their use in circuses.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reading list. People may think Virginia has gone wacko, but they're actually ahead of the curve. Good for them.

Bob West said...

Very interesting Hack ... We have much in common. I look forward to our growing friendship online
God Bless, Bob West