Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why should anyone own an assault rifle?

This gun debate is nauseating. And it's brought me out of my post-election blogging hiatus, because I can't take it anymore.

The gun debate has become so convoluted by the left it is hard to even keep your head on straight sifting through all the lib baby slobber. 

What did Thomas Jefferson say about the 2nd Amendment? He said, "No FREE MAN shall ever be debarred the use of arms." He didn't say "No hunter shall ever be debarred the use of arms." So before we can even begin to have a debate on assault rifles or the 2nd Amendment, first we need to realize what exactly the 2nd Amendment is for. NOWHERE in the Constitution or the writings of the Founding Fathers is hunting mentioned. The governor of New York, that liberal dunghole on the fast track to fascism, would do well to actually read the Bill of Rights. The 2nd Amendment was written to empower the people against the possibility of tyrannical government, such as that of the British Empire in the American colonies during the Revolution. And you can bet the Founders also knew that the possibility of tyranny would be there for years to come, even far off in the future. And the government of the United States isn't exempt. When politicians and lib loonies say things like, "No one needs 20 bullets to hunt a deer!" or "I still believe in the right to bear arms for sportsmen everywhere!" what they are really saying is, "I am a complete dumbass who doesn't understand why the 2nd Amendment was written and I hope one day we can ban all guns from America forever like our socialist brothers and sisters in Europe". That turned out well in the 20th century. It is also funny hearing liberals who have no knowledge of firearms use the word "bullets". 

No, the Founders could have never imagined the powerful weaponry we have today. Tell me how does this invalidate the 2nd Amendment? I'm sure the Founders couldn't have ever envisioned the internet, yet we still have free speech online. (or supposed to anyway) By liberal la la land logic, Freedom of Speech is only relative to the 18th century. That means you only have free speech by writing with a feather pen and ink on parchment, or maybe dressing up in a period attire (yes you have to wear leggings too) and shouting your opinions at a convention hall. No free speech allowed on Facebook or on a telephone. The Founders could have never imagined those things. Sounds stupid doesn't it? Well so does saying the 2nd Amendment only applied to muskets. 

So the next time a liberal asks you, "Why should anyone have an assault rifle?" go ahead and ask them, "Why should you have free speech when talking on a cell phone?" They probably will be too stupid to understand it, but at least you can have a good laugh. 

I'll try to post regularly like I used to. Feel free to stick around.


Adrienne said...

Hi, Hack! :-)

Gorges Smythe said...

Sorry you felt the need to return, but I'm glad you did.

Hack said...

Hey guys. Yeah, I feel it's the best way to cope!

Jim McKee said...

Wow, this post TOTALLY kicked ass. Welcome back.

The Conservative Lady said...

Welcome back, indeed. So happy I didn't take you blog off of my blogroll...guess wishful thinking kept you on it.
Great post and please keep up the good work. The massacre at Sandy Hook was the crisis they were waiting for to attack the Second Amendment with the hopes of "finally" getting their agenda accomplished.

Hack said...

Its good to be back...sort of! :)