This will be one of those unplanned, sloppy, anger driven posts done on a whim in response to the unrelenting and baseless attacks by the left, the media, and even some conservative libertarians against Rick Santorum.
First of all, Santorum isn't, and has never been my favorite candidate thus far. So don't label me as a crazy, theocratic Santorum groupie. But I am getting sick and tired of this secular libtard wave of attacks against him for having principles and morals. This whole birth control issue is and has been stirred up by the left to paint conservatives in a bad light and it is distracting the electorate from issues that really matter. Like the economy, jobs, and better ways to facilitate government control over kids' school lunches.....
(Rant against Michelle 'street corner' Obama coming up later this week...)
Rick Santorum is against this...therefore he is a radical fundamental Christian |
People like to paint Santorum as a radical. A
*ooooooohhhh*...Christian radical. How scary.
"He's going to impose a THEOCRACY...",
"He believes in the Bible!....",
"He believes a family should have a mother AND a father...!!" THE FREAKING HORROR!
Folks, this is what 40+ years of progressive thought, the sexual revolution, and the feminist movement have done to America. And this thinking has even seeped into the right. The liberals and libertarians who hate Santorum are right when they say he is living in the 50's. Yeah? So?
So we go back to a time when our country and the people in it live by morals and principle. Maybe I missed the memo, but where is the bad in this? All of a sudden, Rick Santorum is now an extremist because he believes abstinence is the best birth control and in the best interest of young people who are not yet married. Someone tell me the bad in this? Let's get something straight. Just because people want to bang and not have kids, doesn't mean other peoples' tax dollars should cover it, and especially not by church institutions. You can go to Walgreens and buy your morning after pills
yourself!! That isn't your RIGHT! And let's get something out in the air. It is the DEMOCRATS and our Dear Dear Leader who have made sex an issue in the first place, NOT Santorum and the Republicans. He is simply responding to the issue the Democrats have made. That government be involved in the bedroom in the first place. This is insanity and I am sick of it. And the sickening media just keeps churning this issue over and over and over again. Do they even talk about unemployment anymore? No, because it makes their master look bad!
People are up in arms because Santorum said a child conceived from a case of rape is a "gift". BIG DEAL! Any child is a gift and to be blinded from this fact is to have lost your very humanity. There is no justification for destroying an unborn child. And if you think that his positions are radical for defending the lives of the unborn children who are slaughtered like farm animals every single day, then I say YOU are the radical (and a person with no conscience and no humanity!) for defending such actions.
Leftist idiots, Democrat and Libertarian, love this argument...."He will impose a THEOCRACY!" Do you have any knowledge of Presidential power whatsoever? And have you ever even listened to what Rick Santorum has said? Does having morals= tyrannical or theocrat all of a sudden? What hippie koolaid have you been drinking?
John Adams said a long time ago...
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Do you think Adams, and most all of the other Founders for that matter, regarded acceptance of homosexuality and abortion as "moral"? Or maybe to you, they were "theocrats". They believed in God. They read the Bible. How awful!
Liberals and everyone else were up in arms when Santorum compared homosexuality to bestiality. The HORROR. "Just a hateful, coldhearted Christian" Whatever. I happen to agree yet again with Santorum here. Homosexuality is a perverted, unnatural behavior, just like bestiality and pedophilia is. How can you argue otherwise? Look at human anatomy. Case closed, thank you, have a nice day. Homosexuality is simply wrong, and it shouldn't be encouraged by society, PERIOD.
How about the issue of women serving in combat? Santorum is very much against it. He says, the men serving will feel more inclined to protect them. He is 100% right! And he is also right when he says women are physically incapable to serve on the front lines. This isn't an insult to women! In fact, it is a viewpoint in defense of them, with a hint of chivalry to it. But a twisted progressive liberal or progressive libertarian (same thing basically) doesn't see the world the way normal people do.
If you really think Santorum is an evil, backwards Christian for standing firm on principles like...
A) Families and marriage is based upon the union of a MAN and WOMAN
B) Killing babies is wrong
...then maybe YOU are the radical!!
I'm done.