Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street

In light of the most recent story of Occupy Wall Street protesters dumping a tub of urine and feces in an ATM lobby, I thought it necessary to put both political movements in perspective.

By the numbers 

Reported arrests
Occupy Wall Street: 6,815
Tea Party: 0

Public defecation
Occupy Wall Street: Too many to count.
Tea Party: None.

Injured police officers
Occupy Wall Street: At least 6
Tea Party: None.

Sexual assaults
Occupy Wall Street: Count for yourself.
Tea Party: None.

Occupy Wall Street: 11
Tea Party: None


Tea Party...


Tea Party...


Tea Party...


Tea Party...

Occupy Wall Street: Before and After

Tea Party: Before and After

Wait, there's more? Yes.

and more...
and more...

Of course the Occupiers and liberals reading this will say this is only because of "illegal" police raids on their camps. To which I will respond, you shouldn't have camped out in the first place. Stop stealing perfectly nice public parks from other citizens and turning them into your own shantytowns. 300,000 Tea Partiers marched on Washington on September 12, 2009, peacefully made their voices heard in one day and left the area relatively clean, and not one of them was arrested.

Media coverage
Occupy Wall Street...ABC MSNBC CBS CNN


Could you imagine for one second if even one Tea Partier took a dump on a police car? Or vandalized and danced on a war memorial? Or raped a 14 year old girl? Or stripped down naked in public? Or damaged local businesses? Or mugged and assaulted a lesbian woman? Or masturbated in front of children? Or dumped a pot of feces and urine in an ATM  lobby?

Have a nice laugh at that one. It's okay though. They support Barack Obama. And he supports them.

Now lets finish with a little game. Can you point out the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street in these pictures?

Well, how did you do?


One Guy 2012 said...

"Could you imagine for one second if even one Tea Partier took a dump on a police car? Or vandalized and danced on a war memorial? Or raped a 14 year old girl? Or stripped down naked in public? Or damaged local businesses? Or mugged and assaulted a lesbian woman? Or masturbated in front of children? Or dumped a pot of feces and urine in an ATM lobby?"

I can imagine it. If any of those things happened at a TEA Party rally,or was in any way associated with a TEA Party rally, there would be some severe 'wall-to-wall counseling' going on, and some asses would be beaten. True Conservatives, (not speaking for the TEA Party, mind you), wouldn't tolerate or glorify that kind of nonsense. We would whip. that. ass, and let everyone video it so America would know that honorable Americans still exist.

The Conservative Lady said...

What a contrast. You sure did a lot of work on this post. I've gone to quite a few Tea Party rallies, including the 9/11 March on DC. We left the place better than it was when we got there. As for the occupiers, I especially like the ones who cover their faces with handkerchiefs before they start spouting their filthy curses at the police. I'm going to link to this post over at TCL FB pages. Good work, Hack.

Hack said...

Thanks TCL! I remember The Blaze linking to us on that story. Cool stuff! Keep up the good work.

The Conservative Lady said...

That's right, Hack. Here's the link to that one:
One Nation Crowd Didn't Exactly Leave the Mall (or World War II Memorial) Spotless - The
