Monday, March 12, 2012

Military recruitment ads

I saw a recent ad for the US Marines and I thought to myself, "these guys know how to advertise."

Here is the latest Marines commercial...

And here is another powerful ad...

But this has to be my all time favorite...

Yes the Devildogs really know how to sell. Can't say the same about my branch!


And here is a really cool video put out by the British Army...

I can hear all the libtards and Alex Jones-tards now: "Lies! Propaganda! Warmongering! Evil pawns for the new world order!"


Anonymous said...


Check this picture out. It makes me laugh each time, and I'm an Army grunt! Well, former Army grunt, I should clarify.


Hack said...

Haha! that's classic! and the PT belt! LMAO

Anonymous said...

How in the world did this fat-body make it past Basic Training? I mean, seriously. He should have been re-cycled.

Guys like that are not an asset. They are a liability.
