Thursday, March 8, 2012

CNN news anchor Soledad O'Brien vs. Breitbart's Joel Pollack on Obama/Bell video

Today,'s Joel Pollack went on CNN to discuss the recently released video of Barack Obama embracing Professor Derrick Bell at Harvard in 1991.

The exchange between host Soledad O'Brien and Joel Pollack is truly awesome. O'Brien ranted, raved, and looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown while Pollack remained cool, civil, and on point the entire time. O'Brien demonstrated Pollack's (and Breitbart's) point perfectly, beautifully, and coherently: that the mainstream media refuses to objectively report and instead defends Barack Obama.

By the end of the exchange, any non biased viewer with ears and eyeballs would certainly see that Joel Pollack, as well as GBTV's Amy Holmes, were the voices of reason here. They made the liberal talking heads at CNN look like complete fools.

This is genius Breitbart. This is exactly what these Breitbart videos are meant to do. Elicit a frothing at the mouth reaction from the liberals and the mainstream media so the whole country can see who the real voice of reason is. Great job Joel and Amy. 


Anonymous said...

LOL! I just posted something very similar!

Pollak owned this interview. His tirade about the race card being thrown down was pure gold.

But what do I know? I'm just a racist clinging to his guns, religion, and TEA Party ideals.


Hack said...

Everyone is saying how this video is a dud and so forth. But what they don't realize is the sheer brilliance of it. As demonstrated above.

The Conservative Lady said...

That interview is classic. Great find and I'll be linking to this post at TCL FB and adding to the list of links at the bottom of yesterday's post. Keep up the good work. Mr. Pollack is exactly right. It's up to citizen journals to expose these frauds...Be Breitbart.

Anonymous said...

Wow - the crushing of Obama by 2 20 year olds who don't know that the professor in question Hall worked for Thurgood Marshall, a black supreme court justice that brought segregation lawsuits advancing civil rights. He was the 1st tenured Black professor at Harvard defending and backing another woman black professor who was denied tenure at Harvard. Sooo RADICAL It's also mandatory reading at law school to understand the connection between race and politics, and policy. All law students have to go through it, critical race theory. "Scarred of The Black" Fear the Black is all Hannity and these guys want to do, scare the whites. I mean my God isn't Obama a better black man because he's 1/2 white? Oh that's right Hall progressed de-segregation so that the black could breed with the white - he's evil. Desegregation was the end of the white man. Go take your bigotry and peddle it elsewhere.

Just remember - Martin Luther was a Radical/Socialist too ... at first. Just a smear as usual.

Diversity - what a bomb shell.

From: A white man in Alaska not afraid of the black.

Adrienne said...

What an annoying little twit that woman is...

Anonymous said...

I don't think O'Brien handled herself well but Pollack sounded like he had a "CliffsNotes" based understanding of Critical Race Theory. How old is Pollack anyway? Can he even rent a car yet? One thing for sure - he isn't ready to fill Breitbart's shoes on camera.

Anonymous said...

Disagree with you Adrienne, Pollack did great. He absolutely destroyed both O'Brien and the obnoxious white guy on there. The cute CNN girl also did an outstanding job of making her argument. Specifically that the MSM is not doing objective journalism anymore especially with respect to anything related to Barak Obama.

Anonymous said...

It is clear that many of the people posting don't know who Prof. Bell was or anything about CRT. Ms. O'Brien was corrected when she stopped Mr. Pollack because his assesment was incorrect. More importantly Mr. Pollack is picking up where Breitbart left off bullying a dead man and trying to smear the President of the United States. The obnoxious white guy would be Mr. Pullack trying to diminish an American hero who fought against segregation. This is not 1950 and folk are not scared of ignorant little people who refuse to read their own history. Yes, some white people did awful things to women, blacks, Jews and each other. You can't run from that truth. Radicals like Mr. Bell, Martin Luther King, Andrew Goodman, James Chaney,Michael Schwerner and Viola Liuzzo gave their lives to bring the ignorance I see in these post to an end. Mr. Pollack and this brand of racist jurnolism needs to find a home in a time machine and go back to Alabama in 1930 as a black man he will understand critical race theroy if he doesn't get lynched first.
