SF Bay schools Phase Out Gay Curriculum
Stimulus Money Going Towards Researching Rat Mating, Argentina Fossils, and the "Hookup Behavior" of College Coeds
War Over Christmas Comes to Congress
Dutch Students Defy Political Correctness
Fast-growing Christian Churches Crushed in China
Poll: 44% of Americans Would Prefer Bush Over Obama
Poll: Half of French Think Islam Fits With French Society
Hate Crime? Anti Muslim Flyers Surface in St. Cloud
UN Commissioner for Human Rights Tells World to Embrace Diversity
Personalized License Plate Revoked in Wisconsin Due to Racial Slur Complaint
Have a great weekend!
On the license plate: This is what we've come to in America. Racism is whatever a member of the special aggrieved class says it is.
Feel your head swirling? It's your country being flushed down the toilet.
Great reading material for this weekend. It's like an early Christmas present! Awww, shucks!
When I used to live in Northern VA, personalized license plates were everywhere. My fave was one I read while locked-in traffic on I95 that read "URAPENS". I so believed it was saying "Europeans" and then my buddy told me what it really said.
I felt so violated I cried myself to sleep that night on my huge pillow. Ha!
Have a great weekend, Hack-man. I shall be venturing to a nursing home to listen to Christmas Carols with my father-in-law and family. (I wonder how many women named Carol are really going to be singing?)
Long Live the Republic!
How bout dem Bearsz? An da Bullsz, too. An da Cubbeez.
Well, at least the Blackhawks are smokin' this year.
But I have something most Chicagoans don't: my alma mater playing in the ROSE BOWL! Go Ducks.
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