Monday, May 24, 2010

Black firefighters take the race card to a whole new level

Court says black firefighter lawsuit can proceed

In Monday's opinion, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote for the court that the applicants' lawsuit over a city of Chicago test used to weed out potential firefighter trainee applicants was not too late.
Anyone who scored 64 or below was deemed not qualified. But the city set a second cutoff score of 89 points.
Officials told applicants who scored below 89 but above 64 that although they passed the test, they likely would not be hired because of the large number of people who scored 89 or above. The majority of those in the top-scoring group were white; only 11 percent were black.

Oh cry me a freakin river! So here we have a case of blacks not being smart enough to pass the test as frequently as whites so what do they do? Accuse racial bias. Unbelievable. I have an idea to combat this problem. Instead of blaming someone else for their academic shortfalls, maybe the inner city youths should turn away from drug dealing, sexual promiscuity, violence, and other miscellaneous gang activity and instead focus on graduating high school and bettering themselves. Then, perhaps they will be able to pass such a test. Just look at these graduation rates:

 I'm sick and tired of everybody expecting to get handed everything to them on a silver platter. It's not about race! It's about smarts. You obviously don't have it. Now go change your diaper and study up if you think you deserve the promotion. And quit blaming everyone for racism. Good lord.


Heli gunner Tom said...

I decided to join your list of followers. I am a disabled Vietnam Vet: 68-70, and also write a humble Blog: TOM'S JOURNAL. I live in WI, a very over taxed state.

Tom Schuckman
Jesus is Lord.

Amanda :: Grace & Gusto said...

Amen. Just...amen.

I've been following your blog for a while now, and I can't remember if I thanked you already. So I'll do it again: thank you. Your writing is phenomenal, witty, poignant and at points, hilarious (in a good way). It's so great to read articles that express exactly what I think (and am sometimes too scared to say).

So yeah, thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

"I have an idea to combat this problem. Instead of blaming someone else for their academic shortfalls, maybe the inner city youths should turn away from drug dealing, sexual promiscuity, violence, and other miscellaneous gang activity and instead focus on graduating high school and bettering themselves.

There you go again, recommending simple solutions...

Don't you realize it takes bullhorns and billions in taxpayer money to address such issues!

Gorges Smythe said...

Too many modern blacks have been so brain-washed to accept the entitlement mentality that they behave like spoiled little children throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way. Your diaper analogy was pretty accurate.

Anonymous said...

All this talk of "merit first" is unseemly! Don't you know America became great by whining about disparities between it and other nations?

Anonymous said...

Actually us black do not have that spoiled mentality. The truth is a lot of white people do carry a racial bias when it comes to us. We live in a "white mans world" where school officials make thousands, but our schools are terrible and failing. Who really care about inner-city kids? No one. If you all really want "blacks to stop complaining" you should also stop too. We hardly get our way. We have to fight harder and longer to get our way. A lot of us give up because the fighting is not working, but we need food, clothes, a home. The only alternative is street life. You guys do not understand. It is not our fault that our schools do not educate us as fully as they could and some of our teachers just come to get a paycheck instead of giving us an education. Before you guys call someone "spoiled" get a reality check. We fight for rights, rights you all will not allow us to have.

Hack said...

Give me a break Anonymous. "We", "Us"...meaning "we blacks", right? Quit segregating yourselves. You do more harm than good to race relations.