Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Diversity" meeting held in St. Cloud, MN over anti-Islam cartoons

Tuesday town hall aims to bring people together for open discussion.

Oh how cute! Let's all sit in a circle, bear our feelings, tell each other how offended we are, and sing kumbaya while we're at it!

What a joke. One guy posts a couple inappropriate pictures of Muhammad in town and they act like the whole world is out to get them. Those mean white Americans!

From what I've seen, Muslims sure can dish it out but can't take it. And boy can they dish it out! Cutting off heads with dull blades, setting off bombs in crowded marketplaces, hanging charred bodies from bridges, that sort of thing.

Not a word from them. But when someone makes a negative remark about their religion, however minuscule it may be, then they have no problem making their voices heard. Someone said something bad about your religion. Get over it! People say offensive things about Christianity all the time. Just take a look at Hollywood. You don't see Christians raising hell (no pun/irony intended) over it. Change your diaper and grow a pair.

You know what I think? I think Muslims are good at two things. Killing and bitching.


  1. Very un-PC of you. I like it!

  2. Hack

    A couple of years ago they sold pornagraphic Christmas orniments in a store in Florida. Did that make National News?

    Chrisitians are made fun of on the regular. I don't like it, but it comes with the territory. These people act like children. Bad things are going to be said about your faith, deal with it.

  3. That's a great cartoon; says it all. When your religion tells you that you're the elite and everyone else is to be used as fertilizer, what do you expect? Things like equality, value of life, respect and compassion are almost no-brainers for us. They're not even in the same book, let alone the same page! At some point we may have to answer them from within their own value system.

  4. Minnesota is beginning to look a lot like Europe, and I don't mean French wine and German bratwurst.

    They will be our canary in the coal mine. And I agree completely with your commentary, Hack.

    Keep up the good work. I had not see this.

  5. Perhaps this could be moved to the Whitehouse and they could serve beer...

    Silver, I love the canary analogy...

    These camel jockies and their religion need to go back from where ever they came from...

  6. Hack,

    I would post, but I cannot see right now, as my head just exploded with the asininity and utter stupidity of the people in Minnesota who are involved in this "hold me and love me and tell me you respect me" meeting to take place.

    ps: I'm stealing that image. I wonder if I can get it made into t-shirts for local church youth groups? Hmmmm...


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